2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 115

Havelock North High School Senior Prize List 2018 General Awards General house awards are awarded for effort, example to others and participation in house activities. General cultural awards are awarded for a valuable contribution to the cultural life of the school, and general sports awards are awarded for a contribution to the sporting life of the school, and for high sporting achievement and fair play. House Awards : Kauri: Kara Billing, Rowan Bull, Sapphire Greening-Nuku, Stephanie Houghton, Benjamin Hulena, Maddy Johnston, Amanda Kelly, Tyler Kelly, Aishlin McIntyre, Sam Miller, Josh O’Halloran, Molly Power, Flynn Redmond, Jacinta Redmond, Jasper Ross, Emily Selfe, Jaime Shadbolt, Oscar Smyth, Iris Talabucon, Opal Taylor, Ben Winterson, Samuel Wixon, Emily Young; Miro: Olivia Cotter, Niamh Edwards, James Ford, Sam Gilbert, Ashlee Greaves, Ella Hoogerbrug, Phoebe James, Phoebe Leake, Jack Ledword, Joe Ledword, Kendyll Miller, Yuki Norimatsu, Manisha Phartyal, Jasmine Roydhouse- Ross, Eli Shaw Throp, Wiremu Shaw Throp, Jude Snee, Oliver Taylor, Oscar Treadwell, Ben Vautier, Risa Yamagata; Tainui House: Georgia Albertini, Sean Arcus, Holly Bensemann, Greer Edilson, Kane Elms, Grace Francois, Jack Hulls, Molly Lee, Sasha Liem, Rebecca Richards, Thomas Spurgeon, Julian Tabat, Jenna Tidswell, Will Tidswell, Alex White, Jono Williams; Rata House: Freyja Appleyard, Gabrielle Bell, Mason Blair, Grace Brebner, Eden Brondel, Aramata Collier-Rapaea, Memory Forbes, Ashleigh Godfrey, Tayla Hartemink, Ethan Hedge, Emily Hosford, Miharo Jones, Hamish Lee, Emma Millar, Amy Miller, Charliot Miller, Drew Olsen, Connor Parkhill, Jesse Perrott, Alexander Philip, Megan Swanepoel, Jessica Tucker, Henry Twentyman. Cultural Awards : Freyja Appleyard for participation in the cultural life of the school, Bridget Berry for Colla Voce and participation in the cultural life of the school, Mason Blair for Stage Band, lunchtime performances, assemblies and Matariki, Alice Bowler- Parkin for Colla Voce, Voix de Femmes, Concert Band, Stage Band and Sax Quintet, Cameron Brizzle for Future Prospect, Havelock Singers, Concert Band, Stage Band and participation in the cultural life of the school, Finn Bull for assemblies, Matariki, music technical crew and lunchtime performances, Niamh Edwards for Stage Band, Colla Voce and Concert Band, Jonty Godfrey for Havelock Singers and Debating, Tayla Hartemink for participation in the cultural life of the school, Emily Hosford for participation in the cultural life of the school, Joshua Kirk for Future Prospect, Colla Voce and Havelock Singers, Charliot Miller for Colla Voce, Havelock Singers, ShowQuest, Dance and participation in the cultural life of the school, Jasper Ross for Colla Voce, Future Prospect, Havelock Singers and ShowQuest, Marguerite Sandleback for Colla Voce, Voix de Femmes and Concert Band, Kayla Simpson for Colla Voce and Voix de Femmes, Julian Tabat for Stage Band, ShowQuest and participation in the cultural life of the school, Oscar Treadwell for Concert Band, Stage Band, Sax Quintet, Model United Nations and Debating, Emily Welch for Colla Voce, Concert Band and Voix de Femmes, Andre Wilbraham for Technical expertise. Sports Awards : Zharnei Adams for Netball and Volleyball, Kaitlin Allan for Hockey and service to the Sports Committee, Gabrielle Bell for Equestrian and Netball, Sarah-Kate Birkett for Swimming, Hockey and Triathlon, Grace Brebner for Netball, Cricket, Volleyball and Athletics, Holly Brittin for Hockey and service to the Sports Committee, Blake Campbell for Hockey, Orienteering, Cross Country, Rogaining, Rowing and Cricket, Mason Cook for Football, Futsal and Cricket, Amy Culham for Orienteering, Cross Country, Adventure Racing and Rogaining, Robert Curtis for Football, Futsal, Athletics and service to the Sports Committee, Oscar Field for Cricket, Football and Squash, Memory Forbes for Basketball, Linda Gee for Badminton, Kaiyin Hardy for Football and Hockey, Benjamin Hulena for Canoe Polo, Hockey and Football, Hamish Jackson for Cricket and Basketball, Meihana Jennings for Basketball, Laura Johnson for Athletics, Surf Lifesaving and Netball, Felicity Keane for Volleyball, Cricket and Athletics, Finlay Keip for Athletics, Hockey and Orienteering, Jemma Kendon for Netball, Philip Kim for Athletics and Football, Georgia Lane for Hockey and Cricket, Josh Lawson for Cricket, Football, Athletics, Futsal and service to the Sports Committee, Phoebe Leake for Netball, Volleyball and Cricket, Hamish Lee for Tennis, Hockey and service to the Sports Committee, Molly Lee for Netball and Volleyball, Lucas Maidens for Rugby and Volleyball, Bruno McDonald for Rugby, Orienteering, Rogaining, Adventure Racing and Cross Country, Aishlin McIntyre for Football, Futsal and Orienteering, Emma Millar for Basketball and Athletics, Amy Miller for Hockey and Squash, Brady Nicholson for Volleyball, Liam O’Reilly for Football, Futsal and Athletics, Jorja Pollock for Hockey, Netball and Volleyball, Casey Ralph for Football and Futsal, Guy Reeves for Football, Futsal and Cricket, Amber Roydhouse-Ross for Hockey and Squash, Jasmine Roydhouse-Ross for Hockey and Squash, Eli Shaw Throp for Hockey and Surfing, Oscar Sowman for Rugby, Cricket and Orienteering, Jack Waby for Basketball, Samuel Wait for Football, Futsal and Athletics, Harriet Williams for Swimming and Rowing. 115