2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 10

RATA Back Row: Josh Lawson, Ted Rainger, Luke Smiley, Josh Wait, Meihana Jennings, Keizer Lowe, Connor Parkhill, Nicholas Bell 5th Row: Nicole Richmond, Tayla Hartemink, Rebecca Jackson, Katie Freer, Maddie Rogers, Trinity Mildenhall, Anna Van Oeveren, Hamish Lee, Drew Olsen, Niamh Lee 4th Row: Samuel Harris, Hamish Jackson, Kai Bayliss, Liam Wilcock 3rd Row: Ayaan Salah, Nina Blair, Megan Swanepoel, Eden Brondel, Georgia Shannon, Gabrielle Bell, Henry Twentyman, Brodie Shannon, Grant Hanson, Scott Angus 2nd Row: Meg Kain, Kaitlin Allan, Annie Wykes, Freyja Appleyard, Emily Hosford, Nick Batey, Isaac Singer Front Row: Mr Matt Brebner, Hollie Carrington, Grace Jones, Thomas Pohio, Philip Kim RATA not have run so smoothly. All the hard work paid off as we came away from the night with a 1st place and a smile on every face. LEADERS’ REPORT During this year Rata has secured a 2nd in swimming sports, a 2nd in athletics, a 3rd in orienteering, 1st in choir, a 4th in life skills, 2nd in dodge ball and a 1st in tug a truck. Gathering an array of placings throughout the year, one thing is certain: Rata always hit back harder after every loss. With the house competition already decided with one event left, Rata did not give up and pushed, or should we say pulled, Rata to one last victory. On behalf of the house we would like to offer our most sincere thank you to Mr Brebner. There is no doubt in our minds that Mr Brebner is the most enthusiastic, organised and downright brilliant Head of House Rata could ask for and being house leaders, we have witnessed firsthand the endless amounts of hard work he puts in behind the scenes. He is leaving very big shoes to fill, but we look forward to hearing about the bright future of Rata house. Being given the opportunity to be Rata house leaders for 2018 has been a genuine honour for both of us. This position has allowed us to grow not only as leaders but also as people, and we could not be more thankful for that. Rata house has been nothing less than a family in both of our eyes. The ongoing support and resilience shown by every Ratan this year never ceased to amaze us. A highlight for both of us this year would be without a doubt House Choir. Watching Ratans from every year group step up at every practice made us both immensely proud. We would like to say a special thank you to all in the choir committee: without you talented Ratans, each laughter-filled practice could 10