2018 Concert Series Brochure | Page 17

YOUR PREFERENCES PAYMENT DETAILS For Flexi Series A please indicate the two concerts you wish to attend My cheque to Auckland Choral is enclosed $ OR, please charge my credit card as follows: Gallipoli and Beethoven Gallipoli and Messiah Date for Handel Messiah: Town Hall seats: Stalls 16 Dec Circle Visa 17 Dec Balcony Mastercard Amex Expiry date Card number Name on card Any special seating preference? Signature Please note we cannot guarantee seats will be in your chosen location. Title Mr Mrs Ms Please tick here if you are a 2017 subscriber Miss I do not want to receive the Auckland Choral e-newsletter and concert reminders * Other First Name Surname Address Phone Email Subscribe online at aucklandchoral.com or email [email protected] Auckland Choral reserves the right to change programme details or artists without notice. * Auckland Choral will never give your personal information to a third party without your permission.