2018 Concert Series Beethoven & Beyond | Page 7

You are the shining path, you are our messenger Bear witness to this life on earth, recount our music to the universe You are our shining path, you are our one true messenger indeed Bear witness to this life and to our music. 7) CONTEMPLATION The title already suggests that this is a moment of contemplation and a resting point before the final movement. Completely new sound combinations of ancient temple bells with low frequency and high frequency clusters played by the orchestra provoke deep listening and introspection before finally returning to the initial statement: “Ubi Nihil - Ibi Omnia”. 8) UBI NIHIL RETURN It is impossible to escape space and therefore it is a consequent move that Space Beyond Space returns to Ubi Nihil in the end. However, no one ever returns to the same place or situation in such a journey. This time all the elements from the beginning have changed into a hymn of uplifting joy, vigour and courage. The last words sung by the choir in a very still a capella mode remind us, that even in the most dramatic situation there is always emptiness and space. 7