2018 College Track Social Mobility Report 2018 Social Mobility Report | Page 8

MOST RECENT COLLEGE TRACK GRADUATES SAY THEY EARN MORE THAN AT LEAST ONE PARENT  Half the graduates with a full-time job answered “Yes, I can pay for the basics”. When asked if they earn more than their parents do today, 78% also answered yes. This shows that while upward mobility does not always equate full economic security, the elevated socioeconomic status is still a considerable achievement at such a young age. C O L L E G E T R A C K • P O S T- C O L L E G E O U TC O M E S BEFORE 2008 N*=17 2008- 2010 N=29 2011- 2012 N=35 2013- 2014 N=39 2015 N=34 At my first job “I made enough to pay for the basics”** 2016 N = 20 Half the graduates employed full-time say they can pay for the basics 78% say they earn more than their parents YEAR OF GRADUATION *Number of survey respondents **Food, housing, clothing, college loan reimbursement College Track Page 8