2018 College Track Social Mobility Report 2018 Social Mobility Report | Página 19

Appendix A RESPONDENTS CHARACTERISTICS At the time of the survey we had 320 college graduates with a bachelor’s degree and 174 responded (53 percent). The respondents resembled the overall graduate population from diverse backgrounds, three quarters women and 13 percent dreamers. More recent graduates were slightly better represented than older ones and graduates who took four years to earn their Bachelor’s were better represented than those who took more than 6 years. METHODOLOGY R ES P O N D EN T N O N -R E S P O N D E N T N=174 N=146 GEN D ER MEN 24% WOMEN 76% RAC E ASIAN 19% LATINO 45% ASIAN 11% OTHER 6% AFRICAN- AMERICAN 27% MEN 24% WOMEN 76% LATINO 55% PACIFIC ISLANDER 3% OTHER 4% AFRICAN- AMERICAN 27% PACIFIC ISLANDER 3% College Track Y EA R OF GRA D UAT I ON BEFORE 2008- 2015- BEFORE 2008- 2015- Page 19