Being a teenager is tough for everyone , that ’ s why they call it teenage angst . Sometimes being a teenager is extra tough . Being a minority might be one extra source of angsty anxiety , while poverty can be another . Sometimes when I check the news I get sad , and my whole day is ruined . The headline reads “ another black teen killed ” followed by the list of reasons why this is wrong and the call for help . I am an “ adult ” to the YouthWorkers , yet I feel a sense of sadness and anxiety from reading the news . They live in communities where they are more likely to experience violence in comparison to my neighborhood . So how must they feel !? Some of them live next to abandoned houses , some of them lose their pay checks to the communal family fund and some of them work multiple jobs . They are younger than me , facing as many , if not more obstacles in life than I currently face .
I say all of this because this summer was really hard for me , yet I understand why it was hard . Sometimes the teens weren ’ t nice to me and didn ’ t make me feel great for being around . But I ’ ve been an angsty teen before , so I get it . I wanted the teens to hear my words and be radicalized . That was selfish of me . Being “ woke ”, “ radical ”, “ activist ”, “ educated ” are all different adjectives to add to the word privileged . Having the ability to have an identity outside of surviving or fulfilling your basic needs is a privilege . I ’ ve struggled to come to terms with having my own personal privilege , for I used to feel like I was such a victim of racial oppression that I couldn ’ t also have privilege . But that ’ s a lie . Every day I wake up secure in my feeling of having a home , food and loving support to come back to at the end of the day . That ’ s a privilege that I ’ ve started to not take advantage of anymore .
Community Partner : 901 Arts Peer Mentor : Naadiya Hutchinson Site Supervisor : Sarah Tooley
What is 901 Arts ? 901 Arts is a community-based youth arts center dedicated to providing art and music programs to the children and teens of the Better Waverly neighborhood . 901 Arts provides a safe , creative , and empowering space for Better Waverly Youth to express themselves and develop as artists and community leaders . The art center is an integral part of our community ’ s ongoing efforts to build a safer , stronger and more vibrant neighborhood .
• Led outdoor time for Summer Camp and integrated mindfulness techniques into daily transition time , chill outs and mediations
• Attended trainings and facilitated the distribution of free food service for both 901 Arts Summer programs
• Created and facilitated life skills workshops for YouthWorkers including workshops on : Black History and Race in America , Nutrition , Gardening Basics , College Planning ( Including a College Tour , Scholarships , Financial Aid , and College Track Workshops ), Stress Relief and Self Care , and LGBTQI + Creating Inclusionary Communities