2018 BBB serving the Heart of Texas Annual Report 2018 Annual Report | Page 7
BBB in the Community
Your BBB continues to promote BBB
Accredited Businesses and deliver trust
to the communities we serve. BBB staff
regularly work with the media and public
to promote the use of BBB through weekly
television segments, press releases,
speaking engagements and community
events. The BBB Cares program
encourages BBB employees to give back
Volunteering at Meals on Wheels
Austin, TX
through volunteer events and activities.
As the nonprofit arm of BBB, the
Education Foundation’s mission is to
strengthen the community through
education, outreach and scam prevention.
Various educational efforts help the local
community, including leading programs
such as Military Line, Shred Day
and Laws of Life.
Best Places to Work Banquet
Austin, TX
KMID TV Studios
Midland, TX
SafeHaven of Tarrant County
Fort Worth, TX
9/11 Memorial Event
Midland, TX
December Snowstorms
Corpus Christi, TX
Glen Rose Historic Courthouse
Glen Rose, TX
Fiesta Community Celebration
San Antonio, TX
Central Texas Food Bank
Austin, TX
KBTX TV Studios
Bryan, TX
SafeHaven of Tarrant County
Fort Worth, TX
Employee Back-to-School
Supply Drive
Fort Worth, TX
Hurricane Harvey Fund Aid Recipient
Corpus Christi, TX
bbb.org 6