2018 BBB serving the Heart of Texas Annual Report 2018 Annual Report | Page 11

Brand Reach also spearheaded co-branding campaigns seen throughout our 105-county service area that included regional-specific billboard, newspaper, magazine and web advertisements. These successful campaigns and marketing initiatives drove more traffic to BBB Accredited Businesses. In 2017, your BBB expanded its reach through traditional and digital marketing initiatives to promote BBB Accredited Businesses. Phase one of BBB.org’s fresh, more user-friendly design launched along with the new BBB Search. These new features help drive traffic, enhance SEO and improve user experience. Your BBB Examples of our Brand Reach ® ® start with US JAN-PRO OF CENTRAL TEXAS Be Your Own Boss! OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE 866-569-6705 start with US Your source for finding trustworthy businesses. ® ® For over 100 years, BBB has helped people make smarter purchasing decisions. Finding trustworthy businesses in your area has never been easier. Visit: bbb.org bbb.org Visit ® Visit bbb.org to find trustworthy BBB Accredited Businesses in the Coastal Bend such as: 361.884.3511 | crockermoving.com 361.991.3252 | villaassistedliving.com 361.853.0123 | onetacc.com BUILD LOCAL | THINK GLOBAL 361.882.9669 | snyderandassociates.com 361.444.9090 | summit361.com 2017 Revenues, Expenditures and Net Assets* Unrestricted REVENUES Membership dues Project revenue Building fund donations Contributions Interest Gain on sale of Assets Other Net assets released from restrictions Total revenues EXPENDITURES Business and consumer programs Management and general Total expenditures $9,874,355 $662,445 - $50 $4,775 $11,135 $174,758 $75,999 $10,803,517 Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted – – – – $75,999 – – – – – – – $(75,999) - - Total $9,874,355 $662,445 $75,999 $50 $4,775 $11,135 $174,758 - $10,803,517 $8,615,242 $937,083 $9,552,325 – – – – – – $8,615,242 $937,083 $9,552,325 $1,251,192 – – $1,251,192 NET ASSETS, BEGINNING OF YEAR $5,680,414 – $4,000 $5,684,414 NET ASSETS, END OF YEAR $6,931,606 - $4,000 $6,935,606 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS *2017 Unaudited Year-end financials bbb.org 10