2018-2019 Polk Vision Annual Report PV AR 2019_web | Page 22

opportunity for those institutions transitioning to the use of a common career center software called Handshake. In September 2018 the subcommittee hosted a first of its kind Countywide College and Career Fair with 40 businesses participating and over 200 students attending. Plans are underway for the second annual event scheduled for September 27, 2019 and once again hosted by Polk State College Lakeland Campus. Handshake is a technology platform focused on connecting students with work experiences, including internships. The platform enables easy access for employers to tap into a pool of candidates attending any post-secondary institution joined in the Handshake network. P O L K CO U N T Y I N T E R N S H I P TO O L K I T CO N N E C T I N G S T U D E N T S & E M P L OY E R S A subcommittee of the Polk Vision Talent Pipeline Team has been working to facilitate three collaborative projects to further bridge learning-to-earning and positively impact economic development: • • TOP: The inaugural Countywide College Career Fair held at the Polk State College Lakeland Campus. BOTTOM: Lakeland RISK club Teen Business Camp high school students participating in the Polk County Soft Skills training pilot. 21 • A Countywide College Career Fair A toolkit for businesses with common descriptions regarding internships and other work experiences to help industry navigate the complexities of higher education career experience placement Adoption and promotion of a common software platform to connect students and business The subcommittee is also finalizing a Polk County Guide to Internships that will define and align the terms and protocols of work experiences for both interns and employers. Scheduled for publication in Fall 2019, the guide is intended to streamline the process for businesses, students and educational institutions through the use of common descriptions regarding internships and other work experiences. F I N D I N G TA L E N T T H R O U G H A CO M M O N U S E P L AT F O R M The leading early talent network which unites post-secondary students and employers is now more widely available in Polk County due to the support of the Central Florida Development Council. Recognizing that employers are interested in connecting with students in an effective and efficient manner, the CFDC implemented a grant For more information, visit joinhandshake.com ABOVE: In June of 2019, Polk Vision together with Polk County Career Academies hosted a professional development training for Polk County Public Schools’ Middle School Counselors at the Bartow History Center. The diverse feedback regarding technical and soft skills, credentials, and employment trends has been invaluable and impactful. We are using this data to direct our efforts toward enhancing the employability skills of our local talent pools, such as our piloting of the Florida Ready to Work platform. Additionally, we share this data with our secondary and post-secondary education partners to further help students strategically plan for meaningful careers. — ORATHAI NORTHERN, Ph.D., District Dean of Workforce Education & Economic Development, Polk State College A L I G N I N G C A R E E R AC A D E M Y PAT H WAYS F R O M M I D D L E TO HIGH SCHOOL Aligning Career Academy Pathways from Middle to High School was developed to provide counselors with local workforce information and better prepare them to assist students with early career planning. More than 40 middle school counselors and assistant principals connected with representatives from 13 area businesses in roundtable discussions during this day-long session. Business leaders provided an overview of their particular industry and the types of jobs available at their workplace. Conversations included the essential skills for an entry-level employee, earning potential, and industry outlook in the following sectors: • • • • • Agricultural Science and Construction Public Service and Medical Manufacturing, Supply Chain, and Transportation Logistics Business, Hospitality and Entrepreneurship Technology and Engineering POLK COUNTY POST-SECONDARY HANDSHAKE MEMBERS Florida Southern College Florida Polytechnic University Polk State College St. Leo University Southeastern University Webber International University 22