2018-2019 Polk Vision Annual Report PV AR 2019_web | Page 20

PAMELA CRAVEN, Ph.D. Co-Chair Learning Resource Center NAT WEST Winter Haven Public Education Partnership LINDSAY PERSOHN, Ph.D. Co-Chair Community Volunteer STEVE WARNER, Ed.D. Polk County Public Schools DID YOU KNOW? CINTIA ALLY Bartow History Center Kindergarten Readiness 47% in Polk; State 53% DENISE ATWELL Florida Southern College 3% increase over 2017 STEVE CHAPMAN Polk Education Foundation TARREL DAVIS Mulberry Community Service Center STACY DAVIS Polk County Public Schools SHERI GEIGER Usborne Books LEFT: During a session hosted by Lakeland Electric, Sean Malott, President and CEO of Central Florida Development Council, led a skills gap discussion with Lakeland business representatives. 47% of Polk County Kindergartners assessed as being ready for Kindergarten in the Fall of 2018. F I N D I N G YO U R F U T U R E WO R K F O R C E : Education & Industry Roundtables (2018 Florida Kindergarten Readiness Screener) 1% increase over 2017 JENNIFER KOVAC Polk County Library Cooperative 52% of Polk County 3rd Grade Students scored proficient in English Language Arts. SHAULLANDA LANCOMB Community Volunteer (2019 Florida Standards ELA Reading Assessment) AUDREY NETTLOW Winter Haven Public Education Partnership COLEEN PIZZUTI United Way of Central Florida DIANE PLOWDEN Polk County Public Schools NANCY PURI Polk County Public Schools BEVERLY PUTNAM Northeast Polk Literacy Council SARA BETH REYNOLDS Polk County School Board ASHLEY SHOLTZ Early Learning Coalition JUAN SEDA Polk County Public Schools 19 Updated annually, the 2nd edition of the Literacy Resource Directory was published in the Fall of 2018 and is available for download on-line. The 3rd edition is currently in development and is scheduled for publication in Fall 2019. Reflecting the Team’s focus on early preparedness, the 3rd edition will include an expanded Kindergarten Readiness section. To view the Literacy Resource Directory visit: portal.polkvision.com/literacy-team TALENT PIPELINE The Talent Pipeline Team is convened in partnership with the Central Florida Development Council. The Team is focused on aligning community resources through innovative collaborations to fill the gap of high skill, high wage jobs in Polk County. In October of 2018, the Team hosted “Finding Your Future Workforce” a series of six roundtable discussions convened across the county. The goal was to hear directly from business leaders what they were experiencing with the Polk County labor market. During facilitated discussions, 133 cross-sector industry representatives were asked to identify and rank the jobs and skills needed in their workplace and to identify skills gaps in the available talent pool. While each employer reported varying degrees of difficulty in finding technically proficient applicants, 100% of those attending ranked soft skills as the number one most needed and the number one ranked skills deficit among applicants and the recently hired. These local findings were confirmed through data reported by CareerSource Florida and the Department of Economic Opportunity. (Skills Gap and Job Vacancy Survey, Statewide 2018) Before 2030, Polk County will have a world-class, fully integrated education system that supports the needs of a vibrant, progressive community. ADDRESSING THE GAP With soft skills emerging from the roundtables as the number one skills gap, the Team began researching for an effective learning tool to address this need. The Team chose the State of Florida funded platform Florida Ready to Work which offers free of fee staff support, training modules, instructors guide, on-line systems and evaluation methods. Students can earn Soft Skills e-Badges and a Soft Skills Credential following coursework completion and a proctored exam. Over the late spring and throughout the summer of 2019, five Polk Vision partners began using the platform to pilot Florida Ready to Work with their students. Feedback from the students and course facilitators will be used to chart the next steps in the creation of a local program. With the goal of graduating the first class of Polk Certified Ready to Work students in Spring of 2020, the Talent Pipeline Team is hoping Florida Ready to Work will serve as a key component of a larger course of study which will include experiential training and a capstone project. 20