2018-2019 Cougar Eye | Page 3

News Flash

Cougar Pep Rally!

By Erika Van Nieuwenhuyse

The homecoming pep rally was held on September 19. The pep rally started off by Brock Karbo, High School Student Council President, welcoming the students, staff, and community to the pep rally. The coaches of the volleyball, football, and cross country teams came down and introduced the teams and had the senior athletes say a few words of wisdom.

Brock called down athletes from each team to play a game. They also had an elementary, middle school, and teacher game.

"Hands down the best pep rally in school history," said High School Student Council President, Brock Karbo.

Homecoming Parade

By Erika Van Nieuwenhuyse

The annual homecoming parade was on September 21. Students spent the morning building their floats for the parade. The parade started at 1:00 pm.

The winners for the middle school division were: 3rd place, 7th grade; 2nd place, 6th grade; and 1st place, 8th grade. The winners for the high school division were: 3rd place, Juniors; 2nd place, Sophomores; and 1st place, Freshmen . The winners for the Businesses were: 3rd place, First Fidelity Bank; 2nd place, True Value; and 1st place, Methodist Church.

The parade theme this year was video games.

"The community and classes had some pretty great floats that represented the theme well," stated Erika Van Nieuwenhuyse.