2018/19 Budget Communication 2018_2019 BUDGET COMMUNICATION | Page 95
of these arrears and obligations is in the Annex of
the Budget;
Ø Second, the adoption of proper and factual budgeting
for all known commitments across the breadth and
scope of Government expenditures, thus ending the
past practice of under-budgeting for the sake of
displaying unrealistically favourable fiscal outcomes
during the budget exercises, but leaving large,
unpaid arrears to be paid later. We refer to this as
“right budgeting”. This Government will not
continue the sham of purposefully under-budgeting
known commitments which only leads to another
build up of arrears left for others to clean up.;
Ø as a result, the “right budgeting” approach has led to
an increase in allocations of some $76 million in