2018/19 Budget Communication 2018_2019 BUDGET COMMUNICATION | Page 89
• we are reducing the excise duty on rechargeable
batteries, other than conventional car batteries, down
to 10 per cent; and
• we are increasing the environmental levy on all
vehicles from $200 to $250.
In respect to vehicles, the express policy intent is to
expand and enhance the noteworthy policy objective of the
former administration to encourage the import and sale of
more fuel efficient cars and trucks. Through this policy that
we are today expanding, the country has seen a rise in the
import and use of electric and hybrid vehicles and a build up
of the support systems for same. This administration wishes
to continue to encourage a transition to same.
I wish to
point out that we are restricting the landed price ceiling to
$50,000 for hybrids and electrical vehicles to avoid persons