2018/19 Budget Communication 2018_2019 BUDGET COMMUNICATION | Page 84
• we are providing for the VAT zero-rating of fund-
raising activities held by charitable organizations;
• we are implementing various concessions in respect of
Real Property Tax, Customs duties, Excise duties,
Business License fees and Stamp Tax in favour of
designated Economic Empowerment Zones, beginning
with the “over-the-hill” community;
• we are providing for the waiver of duty on clothing
and shoe imports upon application by importers and
retailers of same.
This will be extended to any
merchant, large or small, who has a business license
for the sale of clothes or shoes.
We are at the same
time putting in place procedures to ensure that the
savings are passed on to consumers. This will be a
benefit to all Bahamians, but particularly to those who