2018/19 Budget Communication 2018_2019 BUDGET COMMUNICATION | Page 78

One will note a large increase in debt redemption this fiscal year to a level of over $1 billion as compared to the Budget estimate of $433 million. That level of redemption reflects the Government’s decision to effect a sizeable rollover of bridging facilities into longer term debt through the proceeds of the $750 million international bond issue in late 2017. Such repayment of debt appears as part of Recurrent Expenditure, which explains the large increase in that component of the fiscal accounts. Given that debt repayment is, however, deducted in the calculation of the GFS deficit, we have appropriately modified our presentation of Recurrent Expenditure to exclude debt repayment. It is important to point out, Mr. Speaker, that this administration – in terms of its application of GFS deficit recording and reporting at the summary level – is applying 75