2017 Yearbook 2017yearbook | Page 9

This new experience has been one for the books since it has been pretty difficult and I haven’t really been enjoying it as much as the others. My mom had this idea when it was presented to my school mates in the beginning of the year, so she took advantage and signed me up for it. I thought the work wasn’t so hard; the problem was that I didn’t want to do the work (in other words I was procrastinating most of the time), and I was lost since I usually need others to remind me and to help me gain confidence. Only 3 students signed up for this program out of about 110 students in my freshman year class. One student got out be- cause her mother didn’t allow her to, but other than that me and the other male student faced on and did the best we can separately. Coming to this campus was not so fun in my honest opinion. I thought seeing different people would make my experience a lot better, but everyone is different and completely different from me, and each other. I had high expectations and enjoyed the flight over all in full honesty. I like being alone when I need my personal space, but it seems as though I can’t have any priva- cy whatsoever. Everyone seems as though they would like to talk to you, and it’s because they feel bad for you, they’re trying to be nice, and/ or they’re trying to look nice towards other people so they could be their friends. So far everyone is nice and not mean, but it’s just not the kind of environment I enjoy (I feel very uncomfortable with every- thing; including the people) -Izabella “I decided it’s time to start preparing for college.” This is my first time coming to the upward bound program and it has so far been an exciting experience. I have met a lot of people here in the upward bound program from all around Texas. I have learned a lot about what people in college have to do in order to get there dream career, Also I’ve met some teachers who said they would help with ref- erences in the future for the colleges we would like to apply to. I like that we are taking classes that will help us next year in high school so we will be able to understand what we are doing when we get back to school. This program also helps use know how to do time management when we go to college so we will know how much time we can do something and when we can do it. Thanks for asking my opinion - Jalisa My experience being here so far has been successful and very ac- complishing to say for the most part. Being here I feel a little bit more outgoing and like I belong somewhere; even though I feel a bit shy still at times and it’s still kind of hard talking to new people, I’m comfortable. The best part is so far I have yet to procrastinate, which is a huge accomplishment for me since all I did me freshmen year was procrastinate. Don’t get me wrong on this it’s been tempting putting my pencil down to finish the last ten minute’s I have left on a show I’m watching. Also I’ve been studying that my friends is something I never ever do, and if I do the sky is falling or its finally raining cats and dogs. But really this has been an amazing first week and I can’t wait to see how the rest of the summer will be for me! - Jackie “the sky is falling or its finally raining cats and dogs.” Coming into UTA, I was extremely confused. I had no idea what exactly we were going to do, and I didn’t even know where the classes were at. I didn’t know anybody else but Richard, my brother from another mother. Since he was a returner he knew the experience of UBMS, so he led me through right path. After a few days I met a lot of new amaz- ing and unique personalities. I have been rapidly growing stronger with these people, and I’m glad to call them my friends. It has been a great experience so far. I hope to make many memories and help this pro- gram start a new chapter in my life. Oh, and the ride here was four long hours. - Jared So far everything has been real- ly good. The whole experience is amazing. At first I was really ner- vous because I didn’t know where to go and I didn’t know anybody. As we started to do more activities I’ve realized everybody is so nice. This isn’t my first time at UTA I came over here for a field trip with AVID and I really liked it. Although this is my first year in the UBMS pro- gram and I’m very happy that I can be in a program like this. Being in a program like this is not something I would usually do but I decided it’s time to start preparing for college and this program is a really big step towards college. My first week here was great I got to meet a lot of new people and the classes are going to help me for my sophomore year. I am really looking forward to being in this program for the years to come. - Jennifer