When I first arrived to UTA I felt
like this is a big push for me be-
cause I was going to experience
what is like to be in college. The
food, dorms, showers, laundries,
etc. taught me to self-discipline
because my parents were not going
to be there only my colleagues from
the same program I am enrolled in.
Since this is my second and last year
coming to UTA again I felt much
more confident than before because
I wanted to finish the program
strong and being one of the many
that are on top. As well as my high
school career, graduate as being one
of the top 10% of the graduation
class. - Martin
My first experience coming to UTA
would be this year. It is also my first
year in the program. I was really
nervous at first, I still am some-
times, but once I got to know more
people it set me in a new mindset.
That mindset was that as long as I
have friends I can face new expe-
riences head on. Getting up early
in the morning isn’t that bad, just
the long walks to class are tiring.
Though I found that when you’re
with a group, even if you’re all lost
and don’t know where you’re going,
it’s easier because you have people to
share the pain and confusion with.
I’m really glad that I came to the
summer program because I’ve met a
lot of great people and nice friends.
The classes aren’t easy, but I know
they’re going to be a big advantage
for me next year. I honestly can’t
express enough how happy I am to
be here. Even when it comes to an
end and everyone has to say good-
bye to their new friends, it will still
be a great experience that I will hold
in my heart. This program is doing
so many wonderful things and the
tutors and instructors are all so ded-
icated. I definitely plan to come back
next summer if I can. - Ocean
So far this summer it has been, slow.
I have made some friends, met peo-
ple I didn’t like, and some I’m not
sure about yet. I am optimistic, as
I hope that this year will get better.
Coming to UTA is a big deal for me,
because I have never been away for
my family for so long. But I kind of
with I was a state kid so I don’t have
to go back every weekend. I hope
this summer gets better still, maybe
if the guy R.A.’s were less forcing.
On our Wednesdays they force
everyone to go out and exercise, and
that is not what I came here. - Nate This is my first year in the Upward
bound math and science summer
Coming to UTA was one of the best program, I joined last year during
decisions that I could have possibly the fall and I decided to join the
made. Coming here gave me the op- summer program because I wanted
portunity to meet many great new to see how it would be to be in col-
friends and also gave me a glimpse lege, so I wanted to live the college
of what life in college may be like.
experience. The reason I joined The
I’m thankful that I had the chance to Upper Bound program in the first
come back a second time and relive place was because I needed some
the experience again. - Richard
help with applying to colleges and
going to the college process. I also
don’t know what college I want to go
“I honestly can’t
to or what I want to do when I grow
express enough how up. - Rafael
happy I am to be here.”
I have experienced so many new
things at UTA like how I can get
lost in such a vast building and I
have already learned so many new
things. The classes are so long and,
freezing cold but the people here are
all very much nice, and are so fun to
be around. I believe that by coming
here I will be very successful in my
future. I thought that having sum-
mer classes was going to be awful,
boring and, a waste of my summer,
but it’s actually going to help me
when I restart classes again. I’m so
happy I decided to come here this
summer, and I hope to learn many
new things and keep making new
friends and I hope to become more
confident as a person because I am
always in my shell, I think it’s time
to get out and be a smarter, more
confident student. - Shirley