2017 Yearbook 2017yearbook | Page 44

My goal is to lose like 6 pounds by the end of the summer. In 5 years I’ll probably be living with my friend in Seoul and also going to college. In 10 years I’ll be working hopefully as a professional dancer or a model which ever I choose in the end. In 20 years I’ll start a family hopefully, if I get a little kinder. Some steps I can take to achieve these goals is just mostly training and working on my manners and how I treat people. I honestly do need to be kinder be- cause I don’t care how someone feels after I say something pretty harsh to them. I basically need to get more athletic and kind and also be more ladylike. - Divina My goals don’t have very high ex- pectations, so they would be rather basic actually. I would like to live with my future lover after we’ve gotten enough money and have a really good job (or two), so we won’t have so much personal debt. I’d hope to get a job, an apartment, and then a house with my own family. If I would have left over money I would like to move to Maine to live there, and would give some of it to my family that needs it to get rid of certain debts as well. In five years I believe I would be working in my family business (Gas station) as a cashier and also to help fix the cars and such. I would be getting the money I needed in order to get an My goal is to be happy with my self apartment when I move out of my and the decisions I make in my life. town. In ten years I would probably In five years, I see myself in Texas be living with a roommate in my A&M college station and I hope to apartment (casually visiting my lov- have a sugar papi as well. In Ten er), and going to a job that I would years I hope to pursue whatever be occupied at the moment. I would career I decided to in the medical have a bank account with hopefully field. In twenty years, I hope to still enough money to get me to go to have my job and hopefully also have a preferable college that way I’d get a family with my sugar papi. my dream job and be happy with -Herminia my lover and kids. 20 years I’d have a steady job, a family; basically a The goals I have set for myself is to simple life. I can have a ton of expe- be happy with all of the life choices riences to help me see who I would that I have made. In five years I see want to be, and ask people questions myself at UT trying to complete on their experiences, that way I can my undergraduates. In ten years I get a glance on ideas of different hope to have completed my master’s experiences. -Izabella degree and started working a nice job. In twenty years I hope to be My academic goal for the next five working for a big car company like years is to try my hardest in school, Ferrari or Dodge. The steps I have even though I’ve been slacking taken to reach my goals is by apply- lately; I’ve noticed that I need to ing to many scholarships, touring put my best in all my work. One of many schools on my own free time my personal goals is to find ways to and also by coming here to this pro- have less stress and help me control gram. -Richard my anxiety so I can become more interactive with others. Since my anxiety does get in the way of that, also want starts writing poems and draw again. - Jackie My goal is to get a career that I love and make my mom proud. I see myself having a condo, a bug car, and a successful career.in 10 years I see myself with a kid, a suv car, and a house. 20 years I see myself with maybe a husband, two kids, suv car, and a house. Always stay on the right courses, do things that benefit me, always try my hardest to be my- self, and be confident in what I do. -Jalisa “One of my personal goals is to find ways to have less stress and help me control my anxiety so I can be- come more interactive with others.” My goals are to be the best that I can be. To graduate high school with multiple scholarships and be the first to go and finish college in my family. To pursue my dream of becoming a pediatrician and giving my mom all she has ever wanted. Where I see myself in 5 years is in college working on becoming a pe- diatrician or pediatric nurse. Where I see myself in 10 years is still work- ing on becoming a pediatrician. Where I see myself in 20 years is working as a pediatrician and hav- ing a family of my own. -Jennifer My goal is to graduate from college. In 5 years I see myself graduat- ing with my degree. 10 years I see myself having my own place and having my dream job. In 20 years I see myself having wife and kids and still having my dream job. To accomplish this I need to never give up. -Josue