2017 Yearbook 2017yearbook | Page 34

I have played football since I was 5 years old till when I was about 15. In high school I decided I would try out wrestling, and I was an excep- tional wrestler, I held a varsity spot the three years I participated. Last year, I did basketball, but in honesty I wish I had done soccer or even volleyball. This year I am fortunate enough to be on the ABC soccer sport. I hope I don’t mess up in the game, it will be my first time playing in an “official game”. - Christopher I have played sports, but it was a while ago. I played basketball and ran track. I’ve never played soccer (which is the sport I signed up to play) so it is pretty difficult. Some of the things are similar to basketball, like the footwork, but I’m still hav- ing trouble adapting. The coach is nice, he’s funny and works us hard. I’ve been sitting out sometimes because of my knees, so I don’t get much to do. I don’t think I would want to compete because of the fact that we have band camp soon and I really don’t want to get injured. But it would be fun to cheer on our team. - Ocean I have played sports before. I have played baseball when I was 9 years old until I was 11, then I decided to play soccer. I play soccer in the ABC sports competition. I hope we play Yes, I have played many sports s