My favorite activity during the year
is our Academic Bowl Competi-
tion. I look forward to it every year
because of the energetic atmosphere
that the friendly competition brings.
During the sporting events everyone
who can screams and cheers on the
sidelines with handmade signs sup-
porting the players while the players
themselves enjoy an intense game.
The academic portion is also excit-
ing, but in a different way. The test-
ing environment isn’t as stressful as
a normal test, but instead feels more
like you’re completing a challenge.
The awards ceremony at the end is
also very pleasant and everyone gets
to settle down and discuss their in-
sights into the ABC and take time to
relax after working so hard. There’s
also no feelings of “I should’ve won,
not them” or “I can’t believe I lost!
I’m so terrible!” If someone else
wins you’re excited for them and if
you win you are humbled by all the
support given to you. In the end, it’s
all just a big game that incorporates
some more fun into our summers.
“I look forward to it
every year because of
the energetic
I play volleyball, soccer, run cross
country and track, and little bit of
basketball. I haven’t played any ball
sports professionally but run in a
team. I have enjoyed playing vol-
leyball for now and really like how
we encourage each other when we
are practicing and I feel like we have
all improved since the beginning. I
think I would just try to keep myself
and others up when we are compet-
ing and to play the best I can do.