My experience coming here to
the summer program has been great
so far. I have met great people and
made new friends. We have treated
each other well and think that these
have been the warmest people I have
met in my life, they are all different
and I think that helps us to take that
aside and talk to each other with-
out any problems. Being here gives
me an opportunity to have an idea
of how college life may be like for
me. The classes are each different
and varied so you don’t have to sit
there thinking of the same classes
everyday like at school. The walks
between the classes are nice and the
ability to move around from place to
place can be tiring but they can be
fun. Being exposed to new people
and new surroundings has helped
me get out of my slightly shy shell
while I am usually am around new
things. We treat each other like we
already knew each other for some
time. - Angela
This is my second and final year re-
turning to the UTA UBMS summer
program. I was quite excite on the
thought of returning until I realized
the friends I hung out with the year
previously were no longer going to
be there. At that point I began to get
a bit nervous being that I wasn’t sure
if I were going to be able to adapt
and adjust to my new environment
as far as new students. Upon arriv-
al I got pretty bummed out with
the new RA’s and followed by the
switching of the dorms. Everything
felt weird and awkward, foreign if
anything. But at the end of the day I
came to the conclusion that I must
be able to adjust and be open-mind-
ed if I wanted to enjoy my last year.
Last year was my first year attend-
ing UTA. At the Beginning of the
program I was initially felt really
intimidated, the thought of not
being home for six weeks was a
total heart break. I’m proud to say
My time spent here at UTA has not this has been one of the best expe-
been any sort of a waste. I’m
riences I’ve had and I look forward
receiving wonderful help where I
to making new memories this year.
need it from both my teachers and For the first time in my life, those
fellow students. My only real prob- six weeks turned into my home and
lem at the time is leaving my pro-
those strangers became my family.
tective barrier of solitude, unfeeling, -Herminia
and anti-socialness which I have
erected around me. I’m enjoying my My experience coming here to UTA
classes and am getting along well
has been very fun and exciting. This
with those around me. I’m still not is my second year here at UTA and
in any way comfortable leaving my this program has let me try and do
safe-zone, but I’m optimistic. I want new things that I have never been
to thank UBMS for this amazing
able to do. Through this program
opportunity that has been gifted to I have met many new people that
myself and others. I look forwards are all over from Texas. It has also
to the rest of this summer and many given me the help and experience
more to come. - Antonio
to see how it is living at a college or
a campus, as well also being away
from my parents and kind of being
“I look forward to the my own and making me be more
rest of this summer” responsible for myself. - Josue
“I am grateful for
because they are
helping me prepare
for the future”
My experience here at UTA so far is
pretty chill. It’s all pretty new to me
still, but I’ll get used to it eventually.
Honestly it doesn’t even feel like it’s
been only like 4 days. I’m not really
used to waking up early during the
summer, but I’m managing. My
roommate is pretty chill too. All of
the people here are so nice to me.
I’m sore for volleyball, but I don’t
care volleyball’s fun. I’m actually be-
ing productive this summer because
of this program. - Divina
This is my first year attending the
program at UTA and I’ve enjoyed
it so far. I was able to get an experi-
ence many of my friends won’t and
that is staying in the dorm rooms
and living like a college student
at this age. I’ve also made a lot of
good friends in a short period of
time and that I’m grateful for. In the
process of making memories, I am
also learning and preparing for the
next school year that will come. This
program is giving so many oppor-
tunities in which I am grateful for
because they are helping prepare for
the future. In conclusion, my experi-
ence in this program has been great.
- Daisy