2017 Winter Catalog - Hastings Community Education Winter 2017 Catalog | Page 59

Registration Information Register online 24/7 at www.HastingsCommunityEd.com 1. Fees must accompany all registra ons in order to hold your spot in class. 2. Par al fee assistance is available for qualified individuals. 3. When should I register? As soon as you can. Many classes fill quickly. O en instructors need to order supplies. Help ensure that your class has enough students by registering at least 10 days ahead of the start date. Registra ons are accepted first-come, first-served in-person, by US Mail, by fax, phone, drop-box, and online. 4. No confirma on of registra on is made unless an email address is provided or one is specifically requested. If you’ve followed the registra on procedure, assume you are in the class. You will only be no fied if your class is cancelled, changed or full. 5. What happens if Community Ed cancels a class? All fees are refunded if a course is cancelled due to insufficient enrollment or filled before we receive your registra on. Classes are cancelled 3-4 days prior to start date if there is insufficient enrollment. Avoid the disappointment of class cancella ons by registering early and invi ng a friend to register with you. 6. What if I want a refund? Call 651-480-7670 as soon as possible. • If it is prior to 9 am one business day before class, you will receive a refund minus a $5 processing fee. Or registrant may select a different class in the same catalog. Or registrant may choose to send someone else to a end in their place. • If it is a er 9 am one business day before, no refunds or credits are given as we must cover instructor and/supply costs which have been commi ed at this point. • Once a class has begun, no refund or credit will be given. We a empt to reach all registrants first by email and then by phone (cell phone number first) and will be responsible to communicate cancella on only to those who provide all contact numbers and email addresses. 7. Members of the Has ngs Area Senior Program may enroll in one class per catalog season at a discounted rate (amount varies). To receive discount, please contact Zena Stefani at 651-4807674 or zstefani@has ngs.k12.mn.us. Registrants must pay all supply fees. 8. UCare Members may be eligible for up to a $15 discount. Include your member ID number when registering. Must be a UCare member at the start of the class to receive discount. Inquire with UCare for details. 9. Excel Card • Gold Card students receive a 15% discount on all Youth classes. • Blue Card students receive a 10% discount on same. Driver’s Educa on offers a $15 discount for Gold and $10 discount for Blue card students. Many adult classes are open to youth. Students must pay any supply costs either built in to the class fee or payable to the instructor. Discounts are calculated a er supply fee is deducted from class fee. *Must show Excel card. 10. Photographs/video images taken at a Community Educa on ac vity may be submi ed to the local media, used on the district’s website or appear in other media. Wri en requests NOT to publish images received by Community Ed. of specific students will be honored. 11. Adult Programs - unless otherwise noted, Adult Enrichment classes are open to anyone age 15 and older. 12. Inclement Weather - When school is released early due to inclement weather, a er school and evening classes are cancelled. If school is closed for the day, classes are cancelled. We will make every a empt to re-schedule or provide a refund. See our website and Facebook page for updates or listen to your local radio sta on KDWA-1460 AM. 59