Youth Activities
Limited Financial Assistance is available for qualified Has ngs Public Schools families.
For informa on, contact Community Educa on at 651-480-7670.
How to Draw a Puppy
For Ages 4-9 Years Old; Non-school Day!
Kidcreate Studio
Learn how to draw an adorable puppy using a simple step-by-step process. The final project will be painted on a real canvas board! Register
early for this popular class! Please pack a nut free snack and drink for
your child. Min. 7/Max. 15
Fri Jan 27
12:30-3:30 pm
Tilden Com Ctr, #167
Paint on Canvas - Minions!
$35-1 ses
For Ages 4-9 Years Old During Spring Break!
Kidcreate Studio
Paint on a real canvas board! During this guided pain ng lesson, create
a mischievous Minion from the movie Despicable Me. Please pack a
nut free snack and drink for your child. Min. 7/Max. 15
Thu Mar 16
9 am-12 pm
Sparkles & Butterflies
Tilden Com Ctr, #167
$35-1 ses
For Ages 4-9 Years Old; Non-school Day!
Kidcreate Studio
Get your sparkle on! Go crazy as you create mul ple projects with a sparkly bu erfly
theme. These masterpieces will shimmer and glimmer with sparkles and gli er! Please
pack a nut free snack and drink for your child. Min. 7/Max. 15
Thu Apr 13
Papier Mache Day
12:30-3:30 pm
Tilden Com Ctr, #167
$35-1 ses
For Ages 5-12 Years Old During Spring Break!
Kidcreate Studio
It’s messy, sloppy and oh so much fun! Join us for a day full of papier mache. Create
bugs, bowls, and monsters, too. This class is going to be a messy good me, so please
have your child dress accordingly. This is a gluten free art class. Please pack a nut free
snack, lunch and drink for your child. Min. 7/Max. 20
Wed Mar 15
9 am-2 pm
Tilden Com Ctr, #167
$69-1 ses
“Invest in a Student”
Scholarship Fund
Your dona on helps a student with financial
assistance to enroll in an a er-school enrichment or recrea onal class for which he or she
might not have been able to do without your
dona on!
1) Contribute a dona on, or
2) Inquire about any fundraising programs
to help kids par cipate in a er-school,
evening or weekend classes.
For more informa on, call Community Educaon at 651-480-7670.
Saturday, April 22!
“Be Our Guest”
5:00-7:30 pm
Has ngs Middle School
Watch for more details to come
through the Friday Folders and on