2017 USTA Hawaii Pacific Yearbook September | Page 7
CAROLYN LUM, District President
[email protected]
Kauai Tennis Association (KTA) continues to support local tournaments around the island. These events, open to junior and
adult players for extra fun and competition, have raised funds for the Kauai United Way and Hotel Industry Charity Walk.
Many thanks to the participants, staff and sites, Poipu Kai Tennis and Hanalei Bay Resort.
Participation in the USTA Adult League continues to grow thanks to the persistence of League Coordinator Rosemary
Smythe, who decided to turn her duties over to Carla LaFratta and Brant Fuchigami for 2017. Thanks and congratulations go
out to the p layers who shared good fellowship on Kauai and at Sectionals!
On the junior scene, Island School, Kapaa High, Kauai High and Waimea High continue to offer competitive and fun play.
Interest continues to grow with the junior programs offered around the island. Thanks go to Madeleine Dreith for inspiring
the kids with Play to Learn.
KTA invites players of all levels and ages to join in our local charity tournaments, adult league and Play to Learn Programs!
Call (808) 651-8213, email [email protected], or talk to the KTA board members: Carolyn Lum, Dan Miyamoto, Helen
Young, Ronald Hosaka, Shannon Burkman, Carla LaFratta, Jerry Green and Juan Lorenzo.
CHRIS SCHAREIN, District President
[email protected]
Grow the game! The focus for 2016 on Maui took some new steps to have an impact on tennis.
MDTA offered an incentive to all new and or lapsed players (more than 3 years) to play tennis. When players signed up
for a 1-year USTA membership and registered to play in one of eight leagues, MDTA reimbursed the player for the USTA
membership fee. Forty-four players took advantage of our offer.
Play to Learn on Maui gets underway with two groups up and running, thanks in part to a shared grant from the PNW
Section. I want to thank Bill Smith for all his hard work in pushing through all the red tape as things got established with
Parks and Recreation, and to Madeleine Dreith as we continue into 2017.
Our Schools Tennis got a big boost with the help of Director Kim Kinberg as she visited four schools, conducted P.E. training
with teachers, and made sure we had our own “mobile red bag” with racquets, balls, and net for any local tennis pro to use
on Maui.
Clarita Balala was the 2016 recipient of the Maui District Service Award. Clarita’s years of service as an LLC, USTA official,
league captain, and player are a shining example of her commitment to tennis on Maui.
MDTA board members approved a little over $10K in funding that sponsored the Challenger, junior players for travel and
clinics, adult teams that advanced to National Championships, cardio training to a dozen tennis professionals, and USTA
officials uniforms to a dozen local officials.
Maui District continues to grow participation, sponsor players, events and programs, as well as maintain relationships within
the County to ensure recreational resources are in place for the tennis community. Be an asset to the community and join