2017 USCCB Convocation Participants Guidebook and Journal | Page 7

Introduction will take away fresh insights from participation in a strategic con- versation about current challenges and opportunities informed by new research, communications strategies, and successful models. The hope is that the Convocation can assist participants in bringing back—to their dioceses, parishes, movements, orga- nizations, work, and ministries—tools, resources, and renewed inspiration to apply and advance Evangelii Gaudium and Pope Francis’s “dream of a ‘missionary option’” for all pastoral activities and ministries. 3 The Holy Father has called all in the Church to a “missionary conversion”: “‘Mere administration’ can no lon- ger be enough. Throughout the world, let us be ‘permanently in a state of mission.’” 4 The Convocation, then, is framed around these principles. While most conferences point toward the speakers onstage as the experts, the Convocation is different. The experts are the participants themselves, because they know the local reality of the Church in their area better than any of the speakers can. The speakers, then, are meant to be inspirers, motivators, and facili- tators of conversation who can accompany and guide the experts (the delegates) to wherever God may be leading them next in their journey. The attendees and their bishops are the actual protagonists of the Convocation of Catholic Leaders: they will be the ones taking the message of missionary discipleship into their local communities, and together as the Body of Christ, impact culture and society nationwide. This guidebook is meant to assist participants in their prepara- tion for the Convocation as well as in their implementation of the Convocation afterward. The guidebook can also be helpful for those not attending the event itself but who will be praying and collaborating with attendees in various ways, viewing parts of the Convocation from afar, and/or advancing the fruits of the Convocation and missionary discipleship. 2