2017 RAMM Horse Fencing & Stalls Catalog RAMM 2017 Catalog | Page 62

Barn Systems

Barn Systems

Lighthoof Mud Management

• Each panel expands to 6 ' x 12 '
• Flexible yet durable non-permeable plastic
• Each cell is 3 " deep
Fill in cells with crushed limestone , decomposed granite or other small rock
( not pea gravel )
Outdoor area above shown using Lighthoof Mud Management on sloping hillside

Lighthoof ’ s patented mud management panels quickly and effectively solve a challenging issue that most horses and farm owners experience for more than 7 months out of the year … deep mud in paddocks , pathways and gate areas .

This innovative design prevents mud and erosion caused by hoof traffic and wet weather . It ’ s suitable for every farm , from high-end professional facilities to the modest home ranch .
Due to it ’ s unique flexibility , Lighthoof is by far the easiest paddock base material to install . It conforms to uneven or oddly shaped areas and to sub-base grades . This allows you to work with existing terrain or to crown or slope areas for better drainage , reducing the time and money spent on subgrade preparation .
Lighthoof is made from flexible plastic strips , not hard plastic tiles . By conforming to your existing terrain , Lighthoof is the only product that can lie right over your existing muddy ground . There ’ s no need to excavate or create a compacted gravel layer underneath . You can install it on steep slopes , around trees and over roots , through shallow ditches and on lumpy ground .
Lighthoof can also be used to create supported open drainage features within your area , a huge benefit for maintaing your surface flow .
Lighthoof ’ s flexible high-density polyethylene ( HDPE ) panels confine the gravel footing material in a series of 3 " deep interconnecting cells . This limits the displacement of gravel from the downward action of the hooves and holds the footing in place against erosive forces such as heavy rainfall or runoff from other areas .
Our flexible plastic mud management panel can be filled with any type of angular crushed rock , whether that ’ s Kentucky limestone or decomposed granite in Oregon , to provide superior stabalization to the paddock footing .
DIY friendly … Lighthoof is very easy to install and doesn ’ t require specialized equipment or tools . If you can ’ t or don ’ t want to hire someone to install your Lighthoof panels , you
can roll up your sleeves , grab a rake and a hammer and get ‘ er done yourself !
• Horses can slip in mucky , wet footing and suffer pulled muscles or tendons , broken bones and other catastrophic injuries .
• Hoof health is at risk when horses stand in mud . Thrush , white-line and other hoof diseases can cause your horse serious discomfort . Plus , the softened hoof tissue is more prone to punctures , abscesses and lost shoes .
Gravel Only
With Lighthoof
LIGHTHOOF MUD MANAGEMENT Prices subject to change . Visit rammfence . com for up to date items and pricing .