2017 Racial Profiling Report 2017 Racial Profiling Report | Page 94

All Motor Vehicle Contacts (1/1/17—12/31/17) Race/ Searches All Motor Ethnicity* Vehicle Contacts Consensual Searches N % N % N Caucasian African Hispanic Asian Native American Middle Eastern Other 35,013 36,698 22,173 4,362 23 35 36 22 4 .02 645 1,362 515 29 2 25 53 20 1 .08 63 77 47 3 0 886 .9 10 .4 1,732 2 16 .6 Total 100,887 100** 2,579 Custody Arrests N % N % 33 40 25 2 0 582 1,285 468 26 2 24 54 20 1 .08 604 1,292 533 23 1 24 52 22 .9 .04 0 0 10 .4 7 .3 1 .5 15 .6 14 .6 100** 191 % PC Searches 100** 2,388 100** 2,474 “N” represents “number” of all traffic-related contacts Race/Ethnicity is defined by Senate Bill 1074 as being of a “particular descent, including Caucasian, African, Hispanic, Asian, Native American or Middle Eastern”. **Figure has been rounded Data Statement: 1,732 vehicle contacts were excluded from the TCOLE Tier 2 report because of differences between data collection, statutory, and TCOLE classifications. Those 1,732 vehicle contacts are, however, reported and analyzed in the above table. Additionally, there are 130 vehicle contacts are not included in the above 100,887 vehicle contacts because of incomplete data collection. 100**