2017 Racial Profiling Report 2017 Racial Profiling Report | Page 70

414.00 RACIAL/BIAS-BASED PROFILING 414.00 APPENDIX A – VEHICLE/SUBJECT STOP CLEARANCES (Revised 09-01-17) 1st Digit = Race Knew Prior A T C I F X L Did Not Know Prior Asian Pacific Islander or Hawaiian Black Latino or Hispanic Alaska Native or Amer Indian White Middle Eastern D P B H E W K Asian Pacific Islander or Hawaiian Black Latino or Hispanic Alaska Native or Amer Indian White Middle Eastern 2nd Digit = Gender M Male F Female 3rd Digit = Reason for Stop X Hazardous Stop N Non‐Hazardous Stop I Investigative Stop 4th Digit = Final Outcome W Warning C Citation R Released 1 2 3 4 N A T O Arrest ‐ Non‐Traffic Offense Arrest ‐ Warrant Arrest ‐ Traffic Offense Arrest ‐ City Ordinance If multiple charges are charged, enter highest charge according to the Hierarchy Order shown left of the Letter Code 5th Digit = Resident Status A Arlington Resident V Visitor (not Arlington resident) 6th Digit = Search Type Z No Search Conducted R Consent Search ‐ Refused * F * P * A * C * I Frisk Conducted Probable Cause Search Search Incident to Arrest Consent Search ‐ Agreed Inventory Search‐Impound Vehicle * =Will Require 7 th Digit Entry & Search Result Comment