2017 Racial Profiling Report 2017 Racial Profiling Report | Page 48

(3) a death; (4) a serious bodily injury, as that term is defined by Section 1.07, Penal Code; (5) an assault; (6) an escape; (7) a sexual assault; and (8) any use of force resulting in bodily injury, as that term is defined by Section 1.07, Penal Code. (b) The commission shall prescribe a form for the report required by Subsection (a). (c) The information required to be reported under Subsection (a)(8) may not include the name or other identifying information of a county jailer or jail employee. (d) The information reported under Subsection (a) is public information subject to an open records request under Chapter 552. Sec. 511.021. INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION OF DEATH OCCURRING IN COUNTY JAIL. (a) On the death of a prisoner in a county jail, the commission shall appoint a law enforcement agency, other than the local law enforcement agency that operates the county jail, to investigate the death as soon as possible. (b) The commission shall adopt any rules necessary relating to the appointment of a law enforcement agency under Subsection (a), including rules relating to cooperation between law enforcement agencies and to procedures for handling evidence. SECTION 3.08. The changes in law made by this article to Article 17.032, Code of Criminal Procedure, apply only to a personal bond that is executed on or after the effective date of this Act. A personal bond executed before the effective date of executed, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose. SECTION 3.09. Not later than January 1, 2018, the Commission on Jail Standards shall: (1) adopt the rules and procedures required by Section 511.009(d), Government Code, as added by this article, and the rules required by Section 511.021(b), Government Code, as added by