2017 Racial Profiling Report 2017 Racial Profiling Report | Page 42

(2) defendant is examined by the local mental health or intellectual and developmental disability [mental retardation] authority or another mental health expert under Article 16.22 [of this code]; (3) applicable expert, in a written assessment submitted to the magistrate under Article 16.22: (A) concludes that the defendant has a mental illness or is a person with an intellectual disability [mental retardation] and is nonetheless competent to stand trial; and (B) recommends mental health treatment or intellectual disability treatment for the defendant, as applicable; and (4) magistrate determines, in consultation with the local mental health or intellectual and developmental disability [mental retardation] authority, that appropriate community-based mental health or intellectual disability [mental retardation] services for the defendant are available through the [Texas] Department of State [Mental] Health Services [and Mental Retardation] under Section 534.053, Health and Safety Code, or through another mental health or intellectual disability [mental retardation] services provider. (c) The magistrate, unless good cause is shown for not requiring treatment, shall require as a condition of release on personal bond under this article that the defendant submit to outpatient or inpatient mental health or intellectual disability [mental retardation] treatment as recommended by the local mental health or intellectual and developmental disability [mental retardation] authority if the defendant's: (1) mental illness or intellectual disability [mental retardation] is chronic in nature; or (2) ability to function independently will continue to deteriorate if the defendant is not treated. SECTION 3.03. Article 25.03, Code of Criminal Procedure, is amended to read as follows: Art. 25.03. IF ON BAIL IN FELONY. When the accused, in case