2017 Pigeon Forge Travel Guide Jan. 2017 | Page 14

14 DESTINATION EVENTS DESTINATION EVENTS TIME AWAY TO RELAX AND HAVE FUN IS PRECIOUS. WITH SCHOOL, SPORTS, SUMMER ACTIVITIES AND FAMILY OBLIGATIONS, IT’S MORE AND MORE DIFFICULT THESE DAYS TO PLAN THAT PERFECT GETAWAY. TO MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR TIME, WHY NOT COMBINE YOUR GETAWAY WITH AN EVENT. Pigeon Forge offers plenty of venues for your personal events, whether it’s a wedding, family or military reunion, student performance or another activity. Meeting space, events space, theater space and sports facilities are available and ready to make your gathering something special. Having a town filled with attractions, theaters, shopping and mountains is icing on the cake for any event. Contact our sales department at 1-800-285-7557 for assistance in planning your next event. PigeonForgeMeeting.com