2017 Miniature Horse World Winter 2017 | страница 6
president’s message
by Joe Kahre
n literal terms, we at AMHA have just
put twelve months of work, activities,
and events into eight months. We have
been working fast and furious. Changes in
the office staffing, deadline changes, event
dates changed, and the list goes on. We were
constantly at full throttle to be ready and
present each and every one of these things to
you, our members, to their best form for the
greatest success of our association.
The brilliant Alison Stonecypher stepped
into the full management and operations
of the office with a force of excellence. She
has executed many tasks that have been in
need of attention for many years. She cares
about AMHA; she cares about our people,
she strives for success and excellence. What a
blessing she has been to our association this
year and to each of us. Our wonderful office
staff has stepped up their game giving their
all for us, whom they are obviously dedicated
to and connected to in heart to keep all the
wheels in Alvarado turning. Always thanks
and appreciation to them!
Our regional shows were earlier, making for
a challenge to get things happening a little
earlier than in past years. In the end, ALL
3 regionals ended in averaging above budget
plus of over $4000 a piece. Wow, and wow!
The exhibitors came through and did what
they needed to do, and showed us that they
were behind our decisions and worked there
with us for excellence.
The World show, with its change in arenas,
stalling, dates, proved to be a huge success.
This event was eight months of meticulous
planning, calculating, and tough decisions to
make the experience be a great one. Anyone
that was there has to admit that in spite of
all the obstacles of change the end result
was one that received a very high approval
rating by the exhibitors. We will take this
great success and build on it for next year
making it EVEN better. While some had
thought no one would be there, I am more
than ecstatic to report that entries in youth,
amateur, AND open divisions showed an
INCREASE- yet another message to us from
the exhibitors. The show world of AMHA is
alive and well.
Our Annual meeting was moved to the
last week in October in a most wonderful,
gracious hotel near the airport of Kansas
City, Missouri. Our time together there
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nering with AMHA since 2010
4 Miniature Horse World
proved to be one of much productivity, great
meetings, intense discussions, decisions,
renewed friendships, new friendships, time
together in forward motion for our great
association. I left this meeting excited about
what lies ahead for us in the next year.
Hopefully, we can work without the constant
pressures of time and make everything even
more fabulous. Your support and response
are much needed and very appreciated. We
need your help; the committees need you
there helping them achieving their goals and
dreams for you to become a reality.
What can you do to help the AMHA?
Register those foals, make sure the transfers
of sales are followed through, stay up on
your paperwork and most of all encourage
and support newcomers to the beautiful,
wonderful world of the American Miniature
Horse, it’s great people, and this excellent
association that unites us all together. And
please, do NOT succumb to the voices of
negativity, the “I can’t’s” that scream so
loudly in this world we inhabit anymore.
Get on that train of positive forward motion,
and when someone speaks ill, work all the
harder to be a part of moving us all forward
to even greater days ahead.
As we come into the Christmas season, please
count your blessings, and enjoy the freedoms
we are given through Christ’s birth that He
might fulfill the prophecy to conquer death
and the devil for our eternal salvation. We
DO have much to be thankful for. We DO
have many responsibilities, and we ARE a
blessed people. Embrace all that we have
been granted and shirk not from the abilities
and responsibilities to seek good.
God’s Blessings to you all as we close this
year and enter into another that is filled with
hope and promises.
Merry Christmas,