2017 Iowa Hunger Directory 2017 Edition | Page 59

Iowa Hunger Fighters Draft Sports Fans through the Souper Bowl of Caring January 29, 2015 Iowa’s hunger-fighting community is reaching out to sports fans this season through the Souper Bowl of Caring – an opportunity for individuals, church congregations, and other groups to team up against hunger. Teams can join the national Souper Bowl movement online and raise funds for their local food banks and food pantries. Food banks and pantries can benefit from the Souper Bowl simply by encouraging members of their communities to participate. The Food Bank of Northeast Iowa is taking this approach. Meals from the Heartland is taking a similar approach to raising awareness through their independent Supper Bowl 2015 Challenge. This year, Davenport Volunteer Connection is partnering with other area organizations to take the Souper Bowl of Caring to the next level through a kick-off event on Martin Luther King Day and a two week donation drive through Super Bowl Sunday. Davenport Volunteer Connection, AmeriCorps member and RSVP collaborated to organize the local Souper Bowl drive to benefit the Kings Harvest Ministries food pantry. Over 150 community members participated in the very first Davenport area Souper Bowl kick-off event, which raised funds and awareness of the food pantry and of the importance of volunteering and national service organizations. Organizers credit the event’s success to:  Partnering with United Neighbors to hold the Souper Bowl kick-off during their annual MLK Day Celebration. This boosted participation in the kick off without adding an additional competing event to the MLK Day of Service – especially important because the Souper Bowl kick-off had not been done in Davenport before.  Bringing together three National Service groups to co-organize the event. By working together, Davenport Volunteer Connection, AmeriCorps, and RSVP were able to make their message of community service through collaboration much more powerful.  Recruiting community ambassadors to help publicize and promote the kick-off and ongoing drive. Recruiting more ambassadors and teaming up with other events to get more foot-traffic past the donation pots would further increase the success of the ongoing Souper Bowl drive. For more information about the Northeast Iowa Food Bank’s Souper Bowl promotion, please contact Nikki Litzle at [email protected] or 319-235-0507. For more information about Meals from the Heartland’s Supper Bowl 2015 Challenge, please contact Mr. Dave Bradley at [email protected] or 515-473-9530. Page | 58