2017 Iowa Hunger Directory 2017 Edition | Page 38

Using Systems Thinking to Build Hunger Free Communities September 1 , 2015

Using Systems Thinking to Build Hunger Free Communities September 1 , 2015

Systems thinking tools help teach “ the how ” of building a collective impact model for hunger-free communities . Participants at a quarterly Regional Food Systems Working Group Meeting were treated to a presentation by Ms . Kathy Zurcher , a consultant who specializes in facilitating systems change .
Highlights included three principles of systems change and several practical suggestions to help facilitate collective impact through systems thinking .
Three principles of systems change :
1 . Relationships are fundamental . Foster group reflection and “ generative conversations ” that focus on each participant ’ s strengths and how their efforts can complement one another .
2 . Slower is faster . Take time to see the whole system and build a shared understanding of the future you want to see .
3 . What you focus on is what you get . An exclusive focus on analyzing the problems of the present tends to lead a group to discover even more problems and complexities . A focus on co-creating the future helps a group identify and pursue easy wins and builds energy for ongoing collaboration .
Practical Suggestions :
1 . Good relationships tend to encourage even better relationships , while bad relationships tend to encourage even worse relationships . To reverse a vicious cycle of worsening relationships : a . Focus discussion on the purpose and mission of the work , and on what brings everyone together . There is usually a set of common values that bring participants to the table and these can provide the initial common ground for improving relationships . b . Also recognize that systems-change discussions rarely include everyone . While nobody is in favor of hunger , there may be people that fundamentally disagree with the strategies that the group is pursuing . If this is the case , it may be best to part ways on as friendly of terms as possible , ideally by mutual agreement and after a period of honest conversation and reflection .
2 . The process of systems change emphasizes relationships and co-ownership of a group , which can make it difficult for new people to join . To bring new people in : a . Develop an intentional on-ramping process for new people . When someone new joins the group , have another conversation about what the group is doing and why . This will help integrate the newcomers into the effort . b . To save time , it may be best to decide on certain times of year that newcomers can enter as a cohort . This could be done once , twice , or four times a year . c . Before a prospective member joins , it is helpful for a senior member or facilitator to have a oneon-one conversation with the newcomer to orient them to the history and mission of the group and to help ensure they ’ re a good fit to join .
3 . Many groups include some members that are more ( or less ) powerful than average . To manage unequal power in a partnership : a . Be very clear about member roles and norms of interaction , and have these conversations early , before problems surface . b . If possible , have the conversation about power . It ’ s often better to talk respectfully about power and how to exercise it , rather than to leave unequal power among partners as the elephant in the room . c . Be sure to emphasize common values and motivations , especially when discussing sensitive topics like power .
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