2017 Financial Statements - ALEH Jerusalem 2017 Financial Statements - ALEH Jerusalem | Page 13

Translated from Hebrew Aleh Jerusalem Center (R.A.) Financial Statements as of December 31, 2017 Statement of Sources and Uses For the year ended Dec. 31, 2017 Dec. 31, 2016 NIS NIS Sources Government ministries: Ministry of Social Affairs Ministry of Education Ministry of Health Local authorities: Education fees Independent sources: Donations Health funds Child Development Center Released from restriction Other income | Total sources 17,549,286 10,487,218 - , - 16,739,342 9,377,334 126,995 1,232,352 1,166,406 3,371,153 7,902,301 497,878 20,448 57,805 3,125,255 5,695,007 416,075 - , - 55,341 41,118,441 36,701,755 23,324,641 8,952,788 40,694 32,318,123 21,944,444 7, 911,442 1 ,193,876 31,049,762 1,380,614 873,145 761,565 793,876 3,809,200 1,368,102 884,800 769,074 291,108 3,313,084 Uses Cost of operations: Salaries and benefits Cost of operations Cost of operations—residence network Total cost of operations Administrative, general, and financing: Administration salaries Public relations Other administrative and general Financing expenditures (income) Total Administrative, general, and financing Purchases of fixed assets - , - Total uses Surplus (deficit) for year - , - 36,127,323 34,362,846 4,991,118 2,338,909 - 12 - SZYMONOWICZ SZ & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS (ISR) ‫חשבון‬ ‫רואי‬ '‫ושות‬ ‫שמאי‬ ‫שמעונוביץ‬