2017 English 2017 Winter English | Page 25

Forgive Prepare “His Thoughts, His Plans” For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. -Jeremiah 29:11- I left the 2010 ABBA conference ready to do the will of God, but when I turned 15, I strayed from God and started to live mundanely in the world. All I wanted was to hang out with my friends boyfriend, and when we broke up, I was devastated. During college, I became upset with my parents because they would not allow me to do what I wanted. I wanted to run far away from home. I started to hate my parents and cursed my life because of all the anger hidden in my heart. My life had no meaning; I felt alone, my heart was full of pain and suffering. I grew tired of not having peace in my heart and constantly fighting off the sorrow. I fell on my knees and begged God for clarity. With tears streaming down my face, I declared He was the reason why I was in this world and asked for God’s forgiveness to restore peace. I have made many mistakes, but He was always besides me and never abandoned me. I began to pray every day and I returned to the path of God. I realized that there was nothing better than God. In 2016, I went to the ABBA conference and the main message was, “Love your parents and forgive them in spite of everything.” It touched my heart and I came to forgive them because no one was perfect, but my parents did their best. When we prayed, God told me that I was chosen and He loved me. I found my purpose at that conference. My relationship with my family was restored and God’s plan was revealed. I stopped my studies college and registered for seminary where I am being prepared to lead others closer to God. My life is completely changed and I give God all the glory for what He did. Erika Yessenia Cabello Bazán (Lima, Peru) My first memorable ABBA Peru Conference was in 2010 in the Lima army base, Fuerte Hoyos Rubio, where many young adults and youths gathered from all across Peru. I was 13 and living in Cusco at the time. At my age, I saw this conference as a short vacation. We played games and joked with people we just met throughout the day. But something happened; the atmosphere began changing. God was working in our lives through the praise and the sermons. Gradually, we stopped with the jokes and games, and we knelt down in prayer to seek time with God. “Lord, use me as you want to, where you want, and when you want. I want to serve you.” I prayed. The conference came an end and I went home. Soon, I returned to my old way of living. I thought that God had not heard me amongst the thousands of other prayers. But God did hear me. I thought that God had forgotten about me, but in reality, I had forgotten about my prayer. It was “when” God wanted to use me. He had been preparing me for what was to come but now was not the time. I fell on my knees and repented for my impatience. The answers of where, when, how were all God’s to answer. I prayed for God to give me patience and faith. That was seven years ago. Since then, God has taken me to Juliaca and put me in a ministry I never imagined I would be a part of. I am now leading the youth group at my church in Juliaca in Puno, in Southern Peru. I have been invited to speak at many youth retreats and I know this is only the beginning of what God has prepared for me. Josue Enrique Mendoza Solis (Juliaca, Peru)