Dear Friends,
It is with great delight I write to you. At Restore One we are on the brink of opening The Anchor House. Hallelujah! This is
a very exciting time for our entire staff and board as we watch the fulfillment of the promise God gave us years ago. I’m
reminded of Galatians 6:9 as I write you, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a
harvest if we do not give up.” Indeed we are a tribe that has persevered, knowing the Lord is faithful to fulfill the vision to
restore sexually trafficked boys.
Over the summer and fall our team worked diligently to restore The Anchor House, and we were blown away by the
generosity of volunteers and donors coming alongside us in the process. On top of the assistance we received restoring
the home, we were deeply encouraged by the donations to furnish and prepare the home for opening. Now we are in
the home stretch, finishing our licensure and hiring staff. Our Executive Director, Linda Royster, is knee deep in reviewing
applications and discerning the ideal candidates to work with the boys. Our hope is to finish our state license in January
and open in the spring 2018. Please continue to cover Linda and our team in prayer as we prepare for opening The
Anchor House.
Our documentary team has also been diligent with the post-production of BOYS Documentary, releasing our first official
teaser this summer. To view it you may visit Our Creative Director, Kartal shared with me just last
week that he anticipates the finished film to be overwhelmingly powerful. Please continue to pray for Kartal as he
finishes editing the footage and prepares to submit the documentary to film festivals.
The fruit of Restore One goes beyond the day to day operations of these projects. Since its birth, we’ve followed God’s
leading in investing in the lives of male survivors. It’s been the greatest honor to stand alongside boys and young men
as they journey towards freedom and restoration. I want to take a moment to share a brief story with you, one that
brought tears to my eyes. Just a month ago I received a phone call from one of the teenage boys we’ve mentored. His
voice was full of joy and his tone felt light. He was excited as he began to tell me of how God was speaking to him and
was calling him to be a speaker to many. This very bright teenager continued to tell me how God is profoundly
interceding into his life and that becoming a part of a church family brought hope and meaning into his soul. After we
said our goodbyes, I wept with joy and thanked God for His faithfulness! Nearly two years ago this very same boy would
not look Chris and I in the eyes due to the level of shame and bewilderment he felt from his sexual trafficking experience.
God truly is a redeemer of all things, we are grateful to be just a small piece of the story in his life.
As we enter into the New Year, our needs continue to grow as the mission expands into the opening of The Anchor
House. As we hire staff and welcome the first four boys into the loving care of The Anchor House, we are preparing space
for restoration to take place. I believe this is true Kingdom work.
On behalf of our Executive Board and staff I ask that you continue to financially give towards the restoration of boys and
that you cover us in prayer as we enter into this very vital time of opening our doors. Attached is a giving card, please
give as you feel led. You may also give online Every penny you give goes towards
getting The Anchor House doors open!