2017 DEM Annual Report DEM_2017_Annual_Report | Page 6



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Dear Friends and Colleagues : It is with great pride that I present the City and County of San Francisco Department of Emergency Management ’ s ( DEM ) 2017 Annual Report . 2017 marked an incredibly active year for DEM and this report highlights many notable achievements made by DEM ’ s dedicated staff that directly contributed to San Francisco ’ s ability to prepare for , respond , to and recover from emergencies , which included :
Continued 9-1-1 Dispatch Center Investments : San Francisco continues its investment in our City ’ s 9-1-1 system to address significant increases in call volume by hiring and training more public safety dispatchers than ever before . We also began an expansion of the 9-1-1 Dispatch Center from 42 to 50 terminals . The MAVIS computer program which helps dispatchers send the closest medics to emergencies also came online . With the support of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and the Mayor ’ s Office , DEM launched the Make the Right Call campaign which teaches the public to call 9-1-1 for emergencies and 3-1-1 for City services . Thanks to these combined efforts , by the end of 2017 DEM met the national service standard to answer 90 percent of emergency calls within 10 seconds for the first time in five years .
Strengthened Regional Relationships
The Urban Areas Security Initiative ( UASI ) continued its stewardship of the Bay Area ’ s homeland security grant program by managing and disseminating nearly $ 24 million in expenditures to support the region ’ s ability to prevent , protect against , respond to , and recover from terrorist incidents and other catastrophic events . In addition to grant management , UASI also sent resources throughout the region to assist in large-scale emergency response to mass flooding disasters and the devastating North Bay Fire storms .