2017 CIIP Program Book 2017 CIIP Program Book | Page 48

Community Partner : Tree Baltimore Peer Mentor : Claire Gray Site Supervisors : Ted Martello
What is Tree Baltimore ? TreeBaltimore strives to increase the urban tree canopy through the establishment , management , and preservation of trees . To reach our goal of 40 % tree canopy cover by 2037 , we partner with individual homeowners as well as communities , schools , and businesses .
" This summer I had the opportunity to work at TreeBaltimore . Since you don ’ t plant trees in the summer , I helped launch a StoryMap for their website . TreeBaltimore already has a notable tree map which highlights the city ’ s biggest , historic , and otherwise notable trees , but I was tasked with creating a map of trees loved by city residents for any reason . I spent my time traveling to different parks and forests , meeting with people and seeing some really cool trees . Meeting with residents on-site was one of the most exciting parts of my job . I realized how many different reasons a tree could be someone ’ s favorite . Some spoke of the trees ’ resilience , how the trees had been through storms , lost limbs , or were nicked by a car or two daily but still survive . Others commented on the beauty of a specific tree , whether it be the way the leaves look like lace or the way the bark appears golden after rain . Others described the ability of trees to build community pride and bring neighborhoods together , through annual festivals or collective stewardship .
I ’ ve never had as much personal agency in a job before , and I was definitely initially out of my comfort zone . In past jobs I was always really good at just following directions , getting my work done , and being a reliable team member , but this summer a lot of my work required some semblance of independence and creativity . I tried my hardest and definitely learned a lot , and am grateful for the opportunity to work at TreeBaltimore , and for everyone I met for making it a great experience . Coming out of this I definitely know way more about trees , recognize their importance as a public utility , and understand how trees can keep us grounded in our community ." -Claire
• Created an interactive StoryMap for TreeBaltimore ’ s website of our city ’ s notable trees as well as community members ’ favorite trees
• Met with folks at parks , gardens , and forests , where they shared stories about their favorite trees to be added to the map
• Located and measured new state and city champion trees with the Maryland Big Tree Program