2017 CIIP Program Book 2017 CIIP Program Book | Page 42

Community Partner : STAR TRACK Intern : Navya Ravoori Site Supervisor : Gabrielle Mnkande
What is STAR TRACK ? The STAR TRACK Program ' s mission is to provide leadership in Maryland on adolescent HIV health issues by providing comprehensive , interdisciplinary , individualized , and confidential health care to HIV infected and at risk adolescents and young adults . We also provide youth-friendly health education , prevention , and early identification services to HIV infected and at risk adolescents , young adults , and their communities .
" I have learned a lot during my time at STAR TRACK . My favorite thing about working with STAR TRACK is there is so much to learn while serving the community but also from other staff . At our midpoint speaker event this year , Dr . Leaf asked the room how many placements were black run organizations . I immediately expected the entire room to raise their hands because I wouldn ’ t see why Abby wouldn ’ t support black run community partners in Baltimore . After only five or so interns raised their hands , I was extremely surprised . The leadership in the non-profit community in Baltimore is still predominantly white considering access to resources and information in the city . I have been extremely lucky to work with an organization that is not only with predominantly black individuals , but they are also mainly LGBTQ folks . To be with an organization that is staffed by the people they serve is such a novel concept even though theoretically it is what everyone supports . I have had many moments in which I have been aware of my own privilege and mindful of the space I take up within Star Track . I have spent so much of the summer learning about the amazing work of Star Track and about the community that it serves that I don ’ t see work with LGBTQ as a lens to my work but as a natural part of work in public health . Sometimes , while working in a community you are not necessarily a part of , it may be hard to be mindful of space and sometimes you can be too mindful of space . I think I fell into the latter but while working with my supervisor , I have learned to be more mindful of it . Star Track and my supervisor , Gabrielle , have played an amazing role in my own understanding of Baltimore City and in my own role as an intern . Since Star Track does a huge variety of work inside and outside the clinic , I have also provided in a great variety of tasks . Whether it be health communication , health education , non-medical case management services , intake within the clinic and so much more , I have learned a lot in everything I did !" -Navya
• Assist with programming , intake and other activities within the clinic , including , organizing Sitcom Wednesdays .
• Help create promotional materials both in health education and on social media through the Instagram account .
• Work with my supervisor to understand the needs of the community and implement / carry out various events and programs to help address needs .