2017 CIIP Program Book 2017 CIIP Program Book | Page 24
Community Partner: Fusion Partnerships
Intern: Nina Krauss
Site Supervisor: Keith Gavazzi
What is Fusion Partnerships?
Through collaborative action, including fiscal sponsorship, Fusion Partnerships, Inc. works to be a
catalyst for justice and peace. Our vision for Baltimore is thriving communities with equitable resources,
modeling collaborative processes and organizational structures which foster social justice, peace and
• Created a tutorial for password management
• Wrote a work process for background checks
• Developed a survey form for site visit data
• Designed an infographic explaining core
elements of the organization's reach and
"Despite growing up around nonprofit organizations, I knew very little about fiscal
sponsorship before interning at Fusion Partnerships this summer. I understood the basic
idea of an organization focusing on administrative tasks with the goal of helping other
groups access resources, but I quickly learned that this process was far more impressive in
action than it is on paper. I came to Fusion at a time when everything was a little more
unorthodox than usual. They are renovating their office, so I was able to experience the
chaos of their makeshift headquarters. Members of Fusion’s community partner groups
who came by for meetings or to drop off forms would comment on temporary office
situation, noting the tubs of file folders or the roaring floor fans that were trying their best
to compensate for the lack of air conditioning.
I spent most of my summer boggled by the amount of work this condensed powerhouse of
an organization accomplishes. When I visited some of the worksites of Fusion’s community
partners I saw the benefits of all the phone calls and paperwork. Seeing grants turn into
quilting circles, food programs, and cleanup efforts through the hard work of Baltimore
communities finally gave me the context to truly appreciate the work the Fusion does.
While it is undoubtedly important in the current system of nonprofits, administrative work
is complicated, seldom glamorous, and seems to require a Google Drive that has more
forms than the most ambitious shapeshifter. Out of sheer awe and curiosity, I asked one of
Fusion’s managing partners, Strongheart Stone, how someone can stay in this line of work
without becoming overwhelmed or disenchanted. Her answer, I think, is not only valuable
advice, but an insight into Fusion as an organization: “You work with good people. The
outside world can stress you out, but the people you work with shouldn’t.” I can say for a
fact that through my CIIP internship, I found that there are plenty of good people in
Baltimore and some of the most genuine ones work at Fusion Partnerships." -Nina