2017 CIIP Program Book 2017 CIIP Program Book | Page 14
Community Partner: Central Baltimore Partnership
Peer Mentor: Celine Shanosky
Site Supervisor: Ashley Wallace
What is Central Baltimore Partnership?
Central Baltimore Partnership is a coalition of neighborhood, private,
public, and institutional interests that are implementing a comprehensive
community development strategy in the Central Baltimore area.
• Assisted in writing, editing,
formatting, and finalizing
the Front and Center
Equitable Development Plan
and Implementation Matrix.
• Collaborated with the
Baltimore Integration
Partnership to update a
workforce resource
directory of over 40
organizations for employers
looking to hire locally.
• Coordinated a Sex Work
Activity Task Force that
convenes police,
government officials,
advocacy groups,
community organizations
and community members.
• Compiled resource lists of
citywide youth and family
services and workforce
development programs.
"My experience at Central Baltimore Partnership (CBP) has been a crash course in community development
and neighborhood planning. CBP is wrapping up a yearlong planning process that resulted in the Front and
Center Plan, a plan that improves access to social and economic opportunity in Central Baltimore to ensure
that all residents can remain in their communities and benefit from reinvestment. I worked closely with
Julia Branco to write, edit, and format the Front and Center Plan. I found it gratifying to use the skills I
developed in my English major to do community-oriented work.
As the summer progressed, my tasks shifted from plan writing to plan implementation. Some of the most
rewarding days of my internship were spent holed up in a conference room with Ashley and Aaron, pouring
over the Plan’s Implementation Matrix. Breaking down each of the Plan’s recommendations into a list of
detailed steps was an invaluable learning experience. Not only was I exposed to the inner workings of
neighborhood planning, but I also discovered my love for team-based work.
Beyond the Front and Center Plan, my tasks were varied and far-reaching: I partnered with the Baltimore
Integration Partnership to update and expand a workforce resource directory, created resource lists of
citywide service providers, helped coordinate the Sex Work Activity Task Force, and attended a variety of
fascinating meetings throughout Baltimore City. Through these many responsibilities, I began to understand
and appreciate CBP’s model of convening existing resources to create change.
Working with such an impressive and close-knit team these past eight weeks has sparked my interest in
community development and urban planning. I am especially fascinated by affordable housing: how it’s
created, how it’s maintained, and the policies surrounding it. I cannot thank CBP enough for hosting me as
an intern and sparking my interest in this work. To the CBP staff, thank you so much for welcoming me into
your organization and sharing the incredible work that you do." -Celine