2017 Awareness Day Final Report 2017_ADayFinalReport | Page 19

Get ready for National Children ’ s Mental Health Awareness Day 2018 , happening Thursday , May 10 !

Finding hope … with your help

Awareness Day 2018 will continue to focus on strengthening the behavioral health of children , youth , and young adults through integrated care .
Become a national collaborating organization and add your voice to the more than 160 national collaborating organizations and Federal partners who support Awareness Day each year !
SAMHSA would be pleased to provide your organization with the opportunity to showcase its commitment to supporting healthy children , families , and communities before new audiences through high-visibility promotional materials , as well as the invaluable opportunity to network with other like-minded organizations .
SAMHSA has a diverse range of collaborative Awareness Day opportunities for your organization to highlight its work in support of children ’ s mental health . A few of them include :
Organize an Awareness Day event unique to your community or organization
Publish an Awareness Day news release or blog through your organization ’ s communications channels
Feature Awareness Day in your newsletter or on your website
Share Awareness Day messages on your social media accounts or host an Awareness Day Twitter chat
Host an Awareness Day Live ! event
There are many benefits associated with being an Awareness Day national collaborating organization .
To learn more , contact : LISA RUBENSTEIN 240 – 276 – 1927 lisa . rubenstein @ samhsa . hhs . gov