2017 - All Editions of the Safety Spotlight 2017-All Safety Spotlight Editions | Page 17

Safety Spotlight Know Two Ways Out October 2017 Fire safety from the Na onal Fire Protec on Associa on   Consider this scenario: It’s 2 o’clock in the morning. You and your family are fast asleep when you awaken to the smoke alarm sounding and the smell of smoke. What do you do? If you and your family don’t have a plan in place, it could jeopardize your safety. In a typical home fire, you may have as li le as one to two minutes to escape safely from the me the smoke alarm sounds. That’s why home escape planning is so cri cal in a fire situa on. It ensures that everyone in the household knows how to use that small window of me. Create your escape plan         Talk about your plan with everyone in your home. Draw a map of your home showing all doors and windows. Visit each room. Find two ways out. Verify all windows and doors open easily. Make sure your home has smoke alarms. Push the test bu on to make sure each alarm is working. Pick a mee ng place outside such as the mailbox, a tree, or a neighbor’s house. Make sure your house or building number can be seen from the street. Reminders  Once outside never re‐enter the house. Call the fire department from a neighbors house or cell phone once safely outside. Did You Know?  A closed door may slow the spread of smoke, heat and fire. Smoke alarms should be installed in every sleeping room and outside each sleeping area. Fire Education Life Preserva on Through Public Educa on Valerie Snyder Renni Burt [email protected] [email protected] 817-748-8349 Police Education Visit us on Facebook at: SouthlakePublicSafety 817-748-8173