Celebrating Alberta’s Diversity and Canada 150 Charity Calendar
The Celebrating Alberta’s Diversity Calendar Project is a student-led initiative
showcasing annual festivals which bring people together to experience the
richness of Alberta’s extraordinary communities. Students receive up to five high
school credits for conceptualizing, researching and marketing this project to the
public and to their school communities.
The 2017 Calendar:
- Contains over 200 Annual Events, United Nations Observances and Holidays;
- Sales help fund student “Be the Change” projects in more than 30 Alberta
schools and;
- Increases opportunities for Alberta high school students to access our program;
- Contains a specially designed cover image that:
- Celebrates 30 years of The CONNECTIONS™ Program and;
- Commemorates the 150th anniversary of our nation’s Confederation.
SEEDS Connections is a charitable organization (CRA# 107990483RR001) with
two flagship programs: The CONNECTIONS™ Multicultural, Environmental
Leadership Program and the GREEN Schools™ Program. We acknowledge
generous support from our partners, RBC Foundation, Alberta Human Rights
Education and Multiculturalism Fund, and legacy support from Cenovus Energy
and Alliance Pipeline.
Please read more about SEEDS Connections at www.seedsconnections.org
and follow us on Social Media. We’d love to hear from you!
Cover Background and Above Photo: David Thiaw
with Drum, Black & Light Images