2017-2018 PCA Press Issue 24 | Page 22

This year, students have become more involved with the school with many new clubs and events. One of these clubs includes Timberwolves Against Tobacco, which helps spread awareness about the dangers of tobacco. This club was started by our very own Kellen Kruk, a 2017 Say What! Teen Ambassador. Some of you might be wondering what a Say What! Teen Ambassador is. They are the students, adults, and youth working hard against tobacco, or SAY WHAT! Kellen became a leader in the month of June 2017. “I became a teen ambassador, because tobacco is the number one preventable cause of death in the United States. I also see lots of people graduate high school and college with not only a degree, but also a deadly addiction.” He decided to start the club to help raise awareness. They met up to plan last week’s red ribbon week and our drug free pep rally. They decided on the dress up days, and planned games that would get the crowd into the pep rally. “I wanted to end the week with a bang and leave the students with more of an understanding of why we had the theme week.” Kruk stated. He also wanted to make Timberwolves Against Tobacco more well known, and get people more involved. He hopes to get at least 15 members or 2 representatives from each grade in middle school and high school. His main goal as a teen ambassador is to make Lufkin the first to change the selling age of tobacco to 21. Right now, it is at 18. When we asked why that was his goal he answered, “At 18 you’re still a senior in high school. Seniors get held to a higher standard and are looked up to. When freshman and sophomores see a senior using tobacco, it makes them want to do it also.” Kellen enjoys being able to be apart of this. “I love being a teen ambassador. It may be stressful at times, but I know the effect I’m having on my fellow peers is a positive one.” If you would like to be an ambassador come to the next Timberwolves Against Tobacco meeting. The date and place will be announced during the morning pledges.