2017-18 Economic Development Annual Report--Town of Garner, NC 2017-18 Economic Development Annual Report | Seite 2

Greenfield North. The work that the department tation and related logistics company, also leased is doing connecting high school students to local 60,000 sq. ft. on Management Way. This space employers is showing results. And for the first was made available when Rapiscan moved out of time, Garner will engage in growing small busi- the market. nesses in the Gearworks space in Downtown Garner’s Planning Department estimates that the town has reached a population of 30,000. This should come as no surprise as residential developers continue to seek property for new developments in Garner; 302 total new residen- tial permits were pulled in FY18 to build 2 du- Mason Properties added 25,000 sq. ft. of new plexes, 65 townhomes, 219 single-family homes, industrial flex space to the market. This new and 16 multi-family apartment buildings with facility is located next to Butterball’s offices in 360 units. New residential construction pushed Amazon’s announcement of a $200 million ro- Greenfield North Park. This new space will add the average sales price to over $204,000 in 2017 botic sorting facility on the Garner Technology much needed flex space to the market. - marking a +12% increase in average sales prices Garner. 2018 has truly marked a new era of prosperity in Garner. Center Site was the highlight of this past year. This project will create 1,500 jobs and inject $45 million annually in new payroll in the area. The project will also spur much needed road infra- structure improvements along the Jones Sau- will become the largest tax payer and employer in Garner. In the spring of 2018, Baker Roofing, the nation’s 3 rd largest roofing company, announced they will relocate their corporate offices to a former Kmart facility on Hwy 401, which sat nearly vacant for nearly a decade. At completion, the project will create an estimated 600 new jobs, making Baker the second largest employer in Garner. since 2010. do great work connecting high school students With the passing of the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act, with local area employers. An estimated 100 two of Garner’s census tracts were designated students have gone through the Trojan Career as Qualified Opportunity Zones. This program Prep Program; many have found jobs after grad- seeks to spur investment in distressed areas by uating from high school with local companies. offering preferential tax treatment of capital The department announced the launch of Gear- works at the Connect Conference this year. Lo- cated in Downtown Garner, Gearworks provides gains. While the program is still in its nascency, Garner stands to benefit from the newly formed program. dedicated space for the Town’s Downtown De- 2017-2018 saw new milestones reached and velopment Manager, as well as offices for entre- major investment made in the community. New prenurial ventures to grow into the next stage of programs and initiatives show true promise in their business. This marks the first time that the ensuring that the local economy remains strong. Town has engaged in assisting small businesses With all the growth that the community is ex- by providing affordable office space. The first periencing, focus will be paid to developing and Both Ferguson and Forward Air selected Garner tenant, Operation 36, is a technology company retaining sites for industrial and commercial to locate new facilities. Ferguson’s fire division that specializes in developing mobile applica- growth. The successes achieved in 2018 will will occupy 60,000 sq. ft. of new industrial ware- tions for the golf industry and began leasing help ensure Garner’s bright future. 3.5 % 325 stment e nv erage v A $181 k $7.2 m sage corridor. With this announcement, Amazon The Trojan Business Alliance (TBA) continues to ilding u B space to lease. Forward Air, a ground transpor- jects ro roughly 90,000 sq. ft. of the 150,000 sq. ft. dustrial flex space was added to the market in Unemp all sectors, sending lease rates higher. New in- space in September 2018. house space in Greenfield North. This leaves Vacancy rates remain in the low single digits in 30k ue N ew companies announcing their intent to locate in G arner were the highlights of FY18. T hese companies have committed to investing over $200 million and creating 2,000+ jobs . r e n r G a ued ss a t J oseph S t ty i n u m m C o t. 2017 s E n A Message from Garner’s Economic Development Director l t o sh p a n S Garner Economic Development 1