2017-18 CPA Report on Giving 2017-18 CPA Report on Giving | Page 3
Dear CPA Community,
I hope as you read our annual Report on
our school. In addition, with this report we seek to provide
transparent evidence of the stewardship of your investment.
Giving that you will be able to feel the life- CPA seeks to honor and acknowledge every gift we receive—
giving atmosphere here at CPA. 2017-18 whether it is one dollar or one million dollars, whether it is
saw significant changes in the Academy, prayer in the car on the way to school or in a monthly grade-
and those changes were met with a variety level prayer group, whether it is taking tickets at an athletic
of emotions. Those emotions are indicative of an involved, event or working the concession stand at an Arts production.
vibrant community that cares deeply for our school and our Each gift is part of the whole that makes us who we are:
students. Our community is what helps our students, teachers, CHRIST Presbyterian Academy. Every investment matters in
and staff thrive. We hope that you feel our trust and gratitude
for your support.
That support—not just in monetary gifts, but also in
volunteerism and prayer—is vital to the health and
advancement of CPA. Your enthusiastic investment in all
areas of the life of the school is truly an inspiration for all
an education that prepares students to influence the future
of our world as salt and light for the Kingdom of God.
We treasure your trust. We are committed to transparent
stewardship. We are filled with gratitude for you.
Thank you,
of us who work here and a visible demonstration of service
to our students. This report is a step towards all of you as a
reinforcement of your trust and an expression of gratitude Nathaniel H. Morrow
to everyone who has invested in the mission and ministry of Head of School
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