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Mr . and Mrs . Joseph Aiken Mr . and Mrs . James Boaz Mr . and Mrs . James Brannen Mrs . James Brayshay Mrs . Joy Brown Mr . and Mrs . James Courtney Mr . and Mrs . Harold Dokmo Kim Doren Mr . and Mrs . Lew Dowdy Mr . and Mrs . Chris Duffy Mr . and Mrs . Michael Fink Mr . and Mrs . Gordon T . Frost Dr . and Mrs . Frederick Frye Mr . and Mrs . Marc Geller Mr . and Mrs . Christopher Ghio Mr . E . Ernest Golka Mr . and Mrs . Dan Golka Mr . and Mrs . Richard Gulley Mr . and Mrs . J . Scofield Hage Mr . and Mrs . David Hahn Mr . and Mrs . James Harrigan Mr . and Mrs . Paul Hering Mrs . Carla Hertzog Mr . and Mrs . Michael Holmes Ms . Susan Houser Mr . and Mrs . Michael Huff Norma James McNeill Mr . and Mrs . Stephen Jennings Mr . and Mrs . Peter Jensen Mr . and Mrs . Payne Johnson Dr . and Mrs . Buzz Kaufman Dr . Donald Kearns and Dr . Jean Wickersham Mr . and Mrs . Michael Kim Mrs . Lawrence Klein Mrs . Richard Knoth
Dr . and Mrs . Leonard Kornreich Dr . and Mrs . John Lamberti Mrs . Jack Landale The Honorable and Mrs . Fred Link Roxi Link and Kristi Pieper-Rossbacher Karrah Lompa and Lewis Gildred Mr . and Mrs . Ed Malone Mr . and Mrs . Cary Miller Mrs . Bent Moller Mr . and Mrs . David Mulliken Mr . and Mrs . Andrew Nelson Mr . and Mrs . William Newbern Mr . and Mrs . Marty O ’ Dea Mr . Albert Oriol Mr . and Mrs . John Parrish Dr . and Mrs . Frank Pavel Mr . and Mrs . Michael Peckham Mr . and Mrs . Lonnie Pogue Mr . and Mrs . Toby Prescott Mr . and Mrs . Norman Root Mr . and Mrs . John Rush Mr . and Mrs . Blair Sadler Mr . and Mrs . Corky Schauer Mr . and Mrs . Gary Schons Mr . and Mrs . Phil Sellick Mr . and Mrs . Tom Sullivan Mr . and Mrs . Brian Thomas Mr . Jonathan Tibbitts Mr . and Mrs . Tom Tourtellott Deacon and Mrs . James Vargas Mr . and Mrs . Frank Vecchione Mr . and Mrs . Ronald Walrod Mr . and Mrs . William Webster Mrs . Richard Wheeler Mr . and Mrs . Nicholas Wilson